
3 Day Outline Plan - Day 3

Guarantee You'll Get Your First Draft Done

(Take day 3 to finish up the outline from yesterday and to implement todays lesson! If you do these lessons you are ahead of the curb for the next 7 day sprint. Voxer is a voice texting platform I mention for my coaching clients because this is a video clip from my coaching program)

81% of people say they want to write a book but only 3% ever do.

97% of people who start writing a book never finish. This chapter will provide some tips to make sure you are in the top percentage. It's why I write about mini books.

I want more people to experience completing their book.

Set a Time

If you don't have a plan you'll never finish.

If you don't write down your plan and commit to it, you'll just get frustrated with yourself. Now it's time to get serious and decide on a time to write your book. Making time to sit and connect the dots you've outlined is what separates becoming an author from staying where you are.

Let's find the time to make this happen.

Wake Up Early

Only 8% of Americans wake up by 5 a.m.

This means waking up early is how you get ahead of the rest of the world and be in the top 10%. A key to waking up early is managing your nighttime schedule. You'll need to make sure you are getting at least 7 hours of sleep.

Set an alarm and get writing.

For 15 years I've been waking up early (typically 4:30 a.m.) to read or write books.

I began waking up early because I wanted to learn something but didn't have time during the day. From 4:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. is "my time" to write books and work on special projects. It's how I've written 25+ books and built my business before my wife and kids ever wake up.

It's worked for me and it can work for you.

30 Minutes

You can write a book in 30 minutes a day.

You may not complete it in 7 days, but it will get done. You'll likely be done in 1-2 months. That's all the time you need to commit and you can have a book with your name on it. With consistent effort, you can achieve your goal and join the top 3% of authors who finish their books.

The more time you give, the faster your book will get done.

I wrote the book you are reading in 7 days. I set aside 2 hours a day to outline and write the book (15hrs total before editing). Don't wait for a time in your life when everything is perfect to write your book.

It occurs in your daily life when you make it a priority.

Subconscious Writing

Working on your book each day helps you figure out the puzzle.

When you first create your outline, your brain begins to turn the wheels. It is trying to figure out how to fill in the gaps between the dots. While you work, eat with the family, and sleep, the subconscious mind is always working on your book for you.

Keep writing daily, and watch as your subconscious mind fills in the gaps effortlessly.

The subconscious mind is about 20,000 times more powerful than the conscious mind.

By consistently working on your book, you are putting your subconscious supercomputer to work for you. It's your conscious mind's job to sit down and realize what your subconscious has figured out. Go over your book outline and the section you'll be writing in the morning, and let your brain prepare the mental pages.

When you wake up you'll have all the thoughts you need to write your book.

How to (Nearly) Guarantee You'll Finish Your Book

You won't write a book if you think you'll fail.

Let me show you how to virtually guarantee that you'll finish your book:

  • Having an idea or goal: 10% chance of completion

  • Consciously deciding to do it: 25% chance of completion

  • Deciding when to do it: 40% chance of completion

  • Planning how to do it: 50% chance of completion

  • Committing to someone: 65% chance of completion

  • Having a specific accountability appointment: 95% chance of completion

Let's get you to the 95% chance of completion.

Announce You Are Writing a Book

You are going to put peer pressure on the side of good (for once).

Announce on your social media networks, text messages to friends and family, etc. that you are writing a book. Share your book's cover, title, and subtitle. This not only gets you nervous to let everyone else down but it also begins to help you find fans.

Not everyone will love your topic, but I bet you'll find at least one.

Then share updates as you hit milestones.

After finishing your outline, share it. Every time you finish a chapter, take your favorite sentence in the chapter and share it on social media. This is called momentum and momentum is velocity (you getting stuff done) and mass (taking others along the ride).

This is you "committing to someone" and will raise your completion rate to 65%.

Find an Accountability Partner

Finding a specific individual to be held accountable by is powerful (even better if they are also writing a book!).

Not only do you have some people's eyes on you, but you have to report back to one specific person on your progress. Keep it simple. A single daily text or social media message check-in reporting your word count for the day.

You'll sit your butt in the seat because you don't want to send a text that says "0 words today."

Increase the stakes by adding a financial incentive.

Commit to each other that if you don't hit your set word count for a day, you have to pay the other person $5. Now we are putting peer pressure and financial motivation to ensure we stay on track.

With an accountability partner, you add a "specific accountability appointment" and increase your chances of successful completion to 95%.

Set a Completion Date

You should publicly announce when your book will be available.

At least tell people when the first draft will be done. Now you aren't just happily writing along at whatever pace. You now are putting more velocity and deadlines in place to push you to get it done.

Getting it done is what I want for you.

Setting deadlines is why you have this book in your hands.

When I outlined this book (according to the methodology I explain in this book), I knew I had to dive in and write it in the next 7 days or I was a fraud. I informed my email list and social media followers (about 15,000 people) that I would publicly share my chapters each day along with a progress report. Other books I have had sit nearly completed for well over a year.

I finished this book by setting a deadline and using the power of accountability, and you should too.

No Blank Page

I can't guarantee you'll write your book.

However, I want to do everything I can to ensure that you finish. If you implement what I've outlined in this chapter, you are 95% likely to complete your book. However, that isn't enough for me.

I'm going to try to bridge the gap of the last 5%.

Mini Book No Brainer Template

I never want you to stare at a blank page.

That's why I created the Mini Book No Brainer Template. I have a template for each outline structure that includes the entire Mini Book Straitjacket framework inside the text document. This includes all the sections for the 3 Course Meal sentences.

All you have to do is figure out what to say for the sentence you are on.

The No Brainer Template also takes care of your formatting.

It has all the H2 and H3 headings already set. All you need to do is swap out the text for the chapters, points, and sub-points from your outline. I've given it to my mini book coaching clients and they have loved it.

You can find it at MiniBookStraitjacket.com.

Leave Incomplete

The first sentence of the day is often the hardest.

So when you are done with a chapter or section, write the next sentence before you stop. Leave that new section incomplete. When you come back to it the next day you'll already have that section started.

Your subconscious mind will be filling in the rest of the section behind the scenes.

Writing one sentence at the end of a writing session is easy.

You are already in a state of writing flow. By building the bridge to the next section, you'll shortcut most of the hard starting that takes place each morning. I've done this for several books and it has helped me a ton.

This approach will help you avoid writer's block and keep you productive.

Voice to Text

For some, talking is easier than typing.

I wrote the first chapter of this book voice to text while sailing my sailboat. I did it as an experiment because I knew I was going to write this section. I simply opened up a document (Notion) and used the built-in voice to text that comes with the phone keyboard to talk.

It worked and it was easy.

If you spend a lot of time on the road, voice to text may be the solution for writing your book.

You simply focus on one sentence at a time. If you get stuck, talk out an entire section not worrying about the 1-3-1 formatting. Then return to it later to edit it down.

This is another way to make sure your first draft gets done… no excuses, get it done.

Action Step: Make an Announcement & Find Accountability

If you haven't already announced your book, DO IT!

Comment in the Mini Book Masters group and tell me your daily word count goal and I'll be your accountability partner that you update.


You’ve built your outline. Now it’s time to bring your mini book to life.

Starting Monday, June 10, the 7-Day Mini Book Sprint will take you from a structured outline to a complete draft in just one week. You’ll get daily guided tasks, a focused system to stay on track, and my personal support to ensure you finish strong

Premium subscribers get full access to this 7-day sprint, a proven system, and my personal support. Let’s get your book done..

If you’re ready to turn your ideas into a finished mini book, click below and commit to the challenge. Let’s get writing!

Join the Mini Book 7 Day Sprint