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Check your email Heather just comped you 30 days! Glad you are here.

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Check your email I just comped you 30 days Susan!

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Congratulations, Chris!

Also, I love the idea of the mini book challenge. How do you help someone figure out how a book would fit into their business model?

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It's super simple, even if it makes zero $$$, most people are chasing credibility, but when you write a book... bam people see you as way more credible.

It flushes out your thoughts and creates a mental stamp for you and others of what you are an "expert" in. To me its everything, the engine of your business. It's the flywheel that all else spins from.

I map out a full mini book machine with people and it goes like this.

Lap 1: Frame (niche)

Lap 2: Engine (mini book)

Lap 3: Transmission (marketing)

Lap 4: Tires (Products)

Lap 5: Body (Brand)

Lap 6: Dashboard (Metrics)

Lap 7: Fuel (Community)

That could takes years to build the full machine but thats the order I recommend building your business in.

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Thanks for this explanation, Chris.

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Mar 4Edited


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Check your email Lu just comped you 30 days. Thanks for being here!

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Another wonderful day of awesome news for you, Chris 👏🏻 Incredible content is 👑

Keep the awesomeness coming!!!


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Hopefully it encourages people to move forward with mini books. This isn't just me saying it's a good idea 😉

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It's by this article that I know you, buy Mini Book Writing and start my first mini-book ;)

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That's awesome! Welcome!

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